Attitude of Gratitude
Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. Charles Dickens
Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. Charles Dickens
Concerned about market volatility? It's unwelcome, but not unexpected. It's part of the risk we accept as equity investors. A balanced, well diversified portfolio helps to smooth out the ups and downs and adequate liquidity to meet your needs without selling stocks when they are down is a key to a successful plan.
Financial fraudsters are everywhere. In our increasingly connected world, you need to be vigilant. There are many steps that you can take to try to avoid being a victim. Read on for some tips...
Portfolio diversification is a complex and often misunderstood subject. By learning the true definition of this investment approach, you can become a smarter investor with a greater potential for long-term financial gain.
One of my favorite quotes is Margaret Mead’s: "Never underestimate the- power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has! “ Charitable giving and volunteer work is a part of my life and a part of the lives of many of my clients. Personally, I am committed to several organizations where I feel I can make a difference. You can see more in the Community Section of my website. I’d be honored and delighted to hear about your passions and charitable goals and will help you craft a strategy to work those goals into your financial plan.
Creating a retirement plan is by no means an easy task. There are many factors to consider when determining whether or not you are financially prepared to leave the working world, while still enjoying your current lifestyle. Consider each factor carefully before taking this next step in life.
The cost of college isn’t just limited to tuition and books. There are many extra expenses that can tend to catch people off guard, like tutoring sessions or club membership fees. Use this list to work towards creating a more accurate financial plan for yourself or your child entering college.
Saving money is an important part of your financial life that often takes a back seat. If you're tired of not having the proper savings and ready to make a change, this cheat sheet is for you.
The headlines are fast and furious – tariffs and trade wars, immigration debates, oil prices, rising interest rates, company scandals – it seems that there is no end to the risk we face as stock market investors, and this summer, the news cycle has certainly not taken a holiday. Is investing riskier than usual these days? In our experience, probably not. If there is such a thing as “normal” in this world of ours, risk is certainly built into the definition. Besides, investors often love and hate risk in a mixed up, messed up relationship. How so? Let us count the ways.
Whether it’s sudden and unexpected or after an already lengthy ordeal, there’s nothing that can prepare you for losing your spouse. Grief and mourning affect each of us uniquely, but all widows and widowers share a painful dilemma: On the one hand, the world seems to demand rapid response to a barrage of critical questions – financial and otherwise. On the other hand, it’s usually a terrible time to be making big decisions, especially if they really can wait. Here are some helpful handholds to hang onto if you have been recently widowed (or you know someone who has), plus preemptive steps to take if you’re reading this in happier times.
Some of you may know that the military holds a special place in my family’s life, so I wanted to share a message this Memorial Day weekend.
I attended the NAPFA (National Association of Personal Financial Advisors) national conference in Phoenix last week. Read on for a recap of some of the more memorable sessions.
Have your reviewed your portfolio? The tremendous market returns of 2017 may have left you out of balance, and the volatility earlier in the year may have scared you and stopped you from reviewing and reallocating your investments. Read on to review why we rebalance, how it works, and why it's not as easy as it sounds sometimes.
Today the Federal Reserve held short term interest rates steady and communicated that they plan to continue their gradual rate increases in the coming months, most likely raising rates again in June. Inflation has boosted consumer prices by 2% from March of 2017. For several years, inflation was minimal but with the economic growth that we’ve seen recently, it’s not too surprising that the Fed is continuing to plan for modest rate increases.
Just like inventorying financial assets for a proper estate plan is important, inventorying digital assets is a very important step in this process as well, and perhaps the most difficult.
Doing good doesn’t happen overnight—writing a check to charity once a year is no longer enough for a successful charitable and financial strategy. Creating a strategy for charitable giving requires some thought, but by considering these tips, you can put your charitable giving plan on the path to success.
Are you worried about market volatility? The ups and downs of the market can seem like a roller coaster, but if you have a plan, you can feel more in control.
You may see me get just a little giddy about the saving opportunity that HSA's present. (yes, this kind of thing excites me... that's why I do this for a living) Health Savings accounts are like the best of a Roth IRA and a traditional IRA combined. You get a tax break when you deposit the funds, tax free growth, and tax free withdrawals when you use the funds for qualified health care expenses down the road.
Do you have a junior or senior in high school? Especially if you have a senior, your student is probably finalizing his or her plans for next year. You are likely waiting anxiously for financial award letters from colleges and combing through your finances to figure out how to pay those tuition bills.
Spring break is almost here and the summer travel season is right around the corner. I love to plan and take trips. Read on for some of my tips to save (and splurge) on your next adventure.