Attitude of Gratitude
Instead of talking about the tumbling stock market, let’s talk about gratitude. With Thanksgiving upon us, it’s a good time to reflect upon our many blessings. Last year, I read The Gratitude Diaries by Janice Kaplan http://www.gratitudediaries.com/books/the-gratitude-diaries-tr as a book club selection. The author spends a year promising to be grateful, keeping a gratitude diary, and looking on the bright side of whatever happens.As part of her project, she interviews various scientists, psychologists, and doctors about how practicing intentional gratitude can lead to being happier and more optimistic. So, this week, let’s not focus on the market, or politics, or things we do not have… let’s be grateful for what we do have. Call a family member or friend and let them know how important they are to you. Buy coffee for a stranger. Give to your favorite charity. Volunteer to help a friend in need. Focus on the positives in your life. Amidst the chaos of our daily lives, that can be a challenge.Take a few minutes at the end of each day to find three things for which to be grateful. Write them down, maybe start a journal and track your progress towards living a more grateful and optimistic life.
Today I am grateful for my friends and family for their genuine care and concern in challenging times, my clients that let me into their lives and share their joys and sorrows with me, and the privilege of living free in this great country.
Be well and be grateful, my friends. Happy Thanksgiving!